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Children’s Ministry
Nursery (Birth to 3 year old) Rachel Self- Room #MB101
Beginners (3year old to Pre-K) Judy Smith- Room #MB102
School Aged (K-5th grade)- Lisa Hutchison-Room #MB205
Children Church (4 year old to 8 year old) Vickie Goodson- Room #202
Youth & Young Adult Ministry
New Life Ministry (6th grade to College Age)
Sunday meet in Room #FL#101
Wednesday Night in the Sanctuary
Adult Ministry
Adults Class:
Teacher Kris Hutchison (42-up) Room #MB 103
Teacher Roger Caudle (60-up) Room #MB 104
Wednesday Night:
Teacher Pastor Perry Johnson Room #MB103
Ladies Class:
Teacher Linda Johnson-Room #FL102
PLan your visit
Modern Service: 8:50 am
Sunday School: 10:00 am
Classic Service: 10:50 am
Choir Practice: 2:00pmÂ
Wednesday Night Discipleship Class: 4:00pm, 6:00 pm
Office hours
Tues-Thurs: 9 am – 5 pm
1500 College Street
Sulphur Springs, Texas 75482
(903) 885-9188